Jack Cafferty – Elections are bad for Democracy

cafferty.jackjpg.jpgSubject: RE: Situation Room
From: “Cafferty, Jack”
Date: Wed, December 21, 2005 12:46 pm
To: kevin@…

That’s not what I said and you are a moron

—–Original Message—–
From: kevin@…
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:37 PM
You said yesterday, “The election results are in from Iraq, and it doesn’t look good for democracy”.

You are a glorified intern. Will you be reading my e-mail too?

From Transcripts on CNN.com:

Cafferty: “Partial results for the Iraqi elections are in, and at this point things aren’t looking too good for democracy. “

Transcripts from Dec 20, 2005

more correspondence:
1:25 PM Jack
Do you see the word “partial?” I also went on to say the results could change and won’t be known until January. What exactly is your point?

1:33 PM Kevin
My point is that Democracy means a free and fair election not dependent on if the United States likes the results or not.

If the peoples’ voices are heard, then democracy is served.


1:35 PM Jack
Kevin…don’t you get it. If the religious shi’ites win, they will go to war with the sunnis and the results will be a country very much like Iran or Afghanistan during the Taliban. That is hardly democracy.

1:51 PM Kevin
I understand your point, if that scenario happens and democracy does not flourish it is because the situation we have created in Iraq is not conducive to democracy.

But my point is that in a TRUE democracy, the people have to be able to choose their destination, and if they choose not to have a democratically elected body, then it is their choice.

I believe in the long run, it is a wrong choice for them to reject democracy, but it’s partially a rejection of US policy in Iraq as well.
They are one of the most secular countries in the Mid-East.

I thought your statement yesterday was contradictory and hysterical.


1:53 PM Jack
Opinions are like , ahh, noses…everybody has one.

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2 Responses to Jack Cafferty – Elections are bad for Democracy

  1. Anonymous says:

    How can you say they are the most secular country in the region? Kuwait is close to legalizing just about everything and Jordan seems pretty secular as well as Lebanon and Egypt. But fourth most secular out of seven countries isn’t bad.

    It is the middle east no matter who is elected, freely or not, there will mostly likey be violence. That is the way things are done over there. If you are a politian and don’t like what your opposition is saying you don’t go on Hardball or Hannity and Colmes, you send your militia to assasinate them. Until that mind set is over come the middle east will still be a dung pile. All for alternative fuels say I.

  2. Yves says:

    Okay friends, we’re in the last 48 hours of 2005. I do really hope you’ll be with us in person to ring in ’06 (actually it’s just an excuse to hang out and party with friends all night; but in any case it will surely be good times). So once again, all the info is below and a warm extended invite has been granted by our hosts.



    we have a home to ring in this new year of 2006! the warm, venetian
    hospitality of mr. kenny harris has once again returned to offer each and
    all a party of debaucherous proportions. yes kenny has cast away all
    concerns for his home, reputation and health so that we may come together to
    revel, sing, cry, mourn, kiss and most importantly party. there will be no
    cover. there will be no velvet rope. there will be no open bar. please
    bring something extra fancy to sip and share. champagne of the finest
    french form is perfectly acceptable. plan to stay late. last year the
    party never really came to a close.

    so, won’t you please just find some kinda feeling in your heart that you
    just can’t hold onto any longer. some kinda love that you must share…
    won’t you just let go of all those petty concerns and give it up to kenny,
    myself, dj jubal and a wonderful cast of special guests who will provide
    your evening’s soundtrack. we sincerely hope you do… we look forward to
    seeing each and all as we replace the “5” with a “6”.

    a new-years-eve-a-palooza

    december 31, 2005

    8pm-until you decide

    casa de kenny
    1089 superba (just east of lincoln)
    venice 90291

    the dj’s:

    alfonso 8:00-9:30
    jubal 9:30-11:30
    caparro 11:30-12:30
    wiseacre 12:30-2:30
    aquavee 2:30-4:30
    drunken tag 4:30-5:30
    jubal’s am bliss set 5:30-7:00

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